
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Studio Time: Victoria Harbour Shimmer

The set below is some more ways my brain interpreted the theme of demure for April. I went to the jade market and was enthralled with some beautiful jade beads. One strand were these tiny, approximately 5/16" beads in a pale, pale green. It reminds me of top of the shimmering Victoria Harbour. The water is actually many layers of green and these beads remind me of the shimmering ruffles kissed by the sun...captured in small jade and antiqued brass.

The necklace is one of my Bubble Necklace designs, slightly mimicking the charm bracelets, but not quite the density. The simple palette and subdued jade make it a new classic that can grace any tailored outfit.

The Creative Rain BarrelOn an additional note, I've been excited and anxious to launch because my brain and fingertips have been dripping with creative ideas that are making me tingle with anticipation.

The imagery that best captures my creative activity is like the storm weather in Texas: tempestuous thunderstorms with dazzling displays of lightning (creative flashes) that soak the land. Flash floods swirling, creating a dizzying array of ideas that are hard to capture they are flying so fast. Occasionally whipping up into a tornadoed frenzy. Nothing is safe in the wake of my creative storm: yarn, fabric, walls, paper, glass, silver. (After I experience a broader array of Hong Kong, I’m sure I’ll have some additional imagery.)

Then, suddenly, the storm evaporates, the sky is crystal, the sun bright and hot.

And if I haven’t captured those ideas in my creative rain barrel, I experience a drought of the dreamy thoughts that inspired my work.

Which is what happened to me since I launched. Life happened…a few migraines and an onslaught of regular activities that take precedence…and…BAM! My creative storm is a boring little trickle of ho-hum explanations of my work…yawn.

What saved me from a complete drought were some of the habits I’ve been developing to keep my Creative Rain Barrel full. In this case, I had named all the pieces I’ve made for this month. Phew! When I posted the above, I had actually forgotten the name! So, this is my useful little “live and learn” lesson: if you have a storm of thoughts flooding your brain...find some way to capture it while it's storming. That way you have a handy store of information for when your brain is on auto-pilot and you're busy with the production of life: cooking, shopping, cleaning, day-job, taking care of family, production work on your little business, etc.

My Creative Rain Barrel

Post-it notes, inspiration journal, pre-posting on my blog, email myself, naming my pieces as I make them (and writing them somewhere).

Your Creative Rain Barrel?

So, what little tips and tricks can you share to capture your "creative storm" while it's creatively raining? If I get enough response, I’ll post a compilation of ideas as a follow-up to this post in a week or two.


  1. Like you, I use Post-it's and pre-posting on my blog. But I never really have a "creative storm", slow and steady seems to be me.
    If I do hit a dry spell, looking at pictures in other blogs/from celebrity photo shoots and the like usually gets things going again : )

  2. The Bubble necklace is making me think of caviar! It has an appealing texture.
    My rain barrel: an art journal, a writing journal & a teeny notebook I carry with me at all times.

  3. Slow and steady on the creative front? Huh. Mine comes in torrents. I wish I had a more steady stream. But, it seems to dry up more with the headaches and various colds.

    Sounds like we use common methods for our Creative Rain Barrel.

    MoonKatty - caviar in a good way?
