
Friday, December 31, 2010

Artfully Meandering: Sand and Sea Necklace

My life is on the move again! This time I'll be staying in South Carolina but moving 3 hours away from where my family lives. So, I had to buy a new car, get insurance, get new work clothes, move. Again. But, I have a job! I'm so excited to start it. So, it will probably be another bit of blog silence while I get acclimated in my new location.

In the meantime, I'm posting pictures of the bead soup necklace I made with the beads I picked up in Albuquerque. It doesn't look very southwest, does it? I saw these Amazonite nuggets and picked up smaller beads built around the Amazonite. I went with mostly shell beads...small and medium size and then some silver and cream seed beads.

I don't feel like it's finished yet. I have my lampworking stash ready to go, but nowhere to work. Sigh. Again. I'm going to try to remedy that. But, my idea was to make some glass beads to weave into this design to round it out.

The colors in this necklace remind me of the sand and sea. But I realized my brain has been marinating in 10 & under television when I was composing my post for this necklace. The first thing that came to mind as I was thinking about this necklace was "Mermadia", which is my younger niece's favorite Barbie movie at the moment. I get to watch it a couple of times a week. pick: Sand & Sea or Mermadia. Either one. Both are oceanic and water-oriented. ;-)

Hope y'all are creating happily away! I've been reading the blogs, but not commenting lately. And I'll probably still be a bit quiet for a while until I'm a little more settled.
Take care and chat with y'all soon!

And in the meantime, I wanted to point out a new blog to sister's blog, Stories to Share about animals and kids. Please stop by to visit her and welcome her to our online world.


  1. I think both names are fitting but I REALLY like Mermadia! Gorgeous necklace!

  2. LOL! Mermadia it is! (Although I might have to check on trademark with Disney. They might win.) But, I'm with's Mermadia in my head.

  3. Full exposure to the 10 and under crowd is not complete, we'll work on that some more before you go. Mermadia is not Disney, it's Barbie, so I'll tell the squirt you need to see it a few more times! :) I do like the necklace too!

  4. Um. Yeah. Well...hurry up. You have 3 days for total immersion therapy in <10 year-old TV.

  5. Very Pretty Jenn! I love the soothing colors in it..
    How are you doing? Happy to be back home?
    We will have to chat sometime once you are settled in.

    Take care... Go Pack!!

  6. Yes. I'm glad to be back in that I don't have regular headaches. I still miss Hong Kong. I had a great adventure and I'm glad I had the oppportunity to do that. I'm moving to a new job next week about 3 hours away and I feel like things should start falling into a rhythm in about a month for me. I'm excited. (And Go Pack!)

  7. I must agree it looks more sea-like than desert like. But I love the colors.

  8. Wow I am really behind. I deleted a lot when the blogs stacked up but I didn't realized I missed something as important as your move. Good luck in your new home!

  9. BEAUTIFUL...Congrats & you just don't sit still long do you!?! :)
