Friday, February 12, 2010

Artfully Meandering: Polymer Progressions

More books I love...I'm wending my way through the color progressions in this book. I'm learning a ton about color in any form, but obviously particularly in polymer clay. The color scales are brilliant. A little technical at first, but once you get the hang of it, quite useful and handy. (If anyone wants help, let me know. I could do a follow-up on some little tricks I found to simplify it to start.) I still haven't found the type of bead I want to make just yet in polymer, though. I might have to break down and get something like a bead roller 'cuz it's making me crazy not to be able to make nicely round beads. Or nicely formed beads. But, I made some beads and pendants I like due to the color practice. They need LOTS of sanding. I don't know if they'll be good enough when sanded, but I can see some progress. This batch had half a bar of white mixed in with the original primary color Fimo clay.

Yellow - Orange Set
I'm actually quite pleased with one of the ideas that came out of this play session: the folded disk which formed kind of a floral and the balled headpins. I'd love the bead roller to make the headpins actually nice and round. (I miss glass. Gravity makes glass round.)

Blue-Purple Set

Green - Blue Set

I don't think the pendant is fixable. Too smooshy and bubbled.

We'll see if I can save any of the others. Might be too far gone, but we'll see if we can resuscitate them.

Also, I’m morphing the Business Bite articles into a series of challenges about the mechanics of my creative business. I'll be drawing in things I've learned from being a girl geek project manager and find ways to apply it in the small business setting. My main goal is to find ways to make the business part less annoying and maybe even enjoyable or inspiring. Creative Self, meet Analytical Self. Play nice.


  1. loveyour blog! totally cute! follow me cuz im follwoing you!

  2. You make me want to play with clay!

    (See what I did there? Play? Clay? Ha.)

  3. Very nice! I tried polymer clay several years ago but I wasn't very good with it. I did manage to make a decent flower cane once. :)

  4. Rebecca, Lori, and Wendy - thanks so much for the feedback!

    Lori - you need to add clay to your list for this's very addictive.
